Waxahatchee Tickets
Fox Theater | Oakland, California

The pulse of the beats, the thunder of the crowd, and the energy to match is exactly what fans will get once Waxahatchee travels to Oakland, California in 2024. Hosted by Fox Theater - one of the premier top around - the performance will live up to expectations and blow everyone in attendance all away. Waxahatchee always brings the top artists of the times and these performers never disappoint. Don’t you want to be there to see this sonic spectacle live!? Well, once you make up your mind, those seats can be yours with a few clicks! That’s right! Just click the ‘get tickets’ button and reserve yours now!
Pop singers have a thing for doing spectacular live shows, lots of pop lovers sometimes choose the LIVE over recorded songs, because lets face it....That energy, whats better? Well, the premier POP act on the scene, Waxahatchee has just announced a new tour for spring, 2024 and it's seemingly better than the last.....fans are too excited! It doesn't seem like we can have a moment that you don't hear about the spectacular Waxahatchee....taking over your socials, Spotify keep throwing the tracks at you and your friends seem to love Waxahatchee just as much as you do! Feels like you should be there this Saturday in May! Imagine it! The most exciting night in pop this year is going to be held at Fox Theater, California, Oakland on Saturday 18th May 2024, tickets you can buy directly from this site, simply press the tiny 'get tickets' button you will see on this page!