J.I.D. & Smino Tickets
Fox Theater Oakland | Oakland, California
Hip-hop is one of the most popular genres of music today, with something to offer everyone, and on Saturday 28th January 2023, J.I.D. & Smino is set to entertain the masses in a event that promises to be one for the ages! J.I.D. & Smino has captivated for years with beats and lyrics that have led to wide acclaim and international appeal. This is a great opportunity to see what the critics have hailed as the best of the best and you surely don’t want to miss out! See this performer for a Saturday night show and be glad you did! Don’t miss out on dope beats by a celebrated artist! Get your tickets today by clicking the ‘get tickets’ button now!
Get your diary out and mark the date that may change your life! Hip hop just got better and nearer to home! Fox Theater in Oakland has a lot to offer you by hosting J.I.D. & Smino and the most talented musicians. Music is universal and you should prepare to meet friends at the live concert and enjoy a night of absolute fun. The staff at Fox Theater ensure you find your seats with ease and you will not believe the quality of the sound system which uses state-of-the-art technology. The clarity of the sound makes the show worth every dime you spend on a ticket! Start reserving your ticket now before they sell out! Click the ‘get tickets’ button right away!